Construction specialist Stepnell has started work on a £2.4 million scheme which will create 22 affordable village homes for Soha Housing in Chinnor, South Oxfordshire.
The company’s Wantage team are building ten two- and three-bedroom houses – three for shared ownership and seven for rent – and 12 sheltered apartments for older residents for Soha at the Siareys Yard site, a former sawmill, in Station Road.
Designed by TSH Architects, the new homes are traditional in style but built using modern, sustainable materials. The development is set for completion in January 2017.
“High-quality affordable homes are essential for rural communities, enabling neighbourhoods to thrive and helping local people stay close to their roots,” says Stepnell regional director Steve Burgess.
“We’re delighted to be working with Soha to deliver these modern, attractive and energy efficient houses and apartments which will boost the supply of affordable homes available to the local community in Chinnor.”
As part of its commitment to providing benefits for local communities, Stepnell is using local subcontractor companies and suppliers for the new development where possible.