A significant programme of development of railway stations and surrounding land will deliver thousands of new homes the Communities Secretary has announced.
A new agreement between Network Rail and the Homes and Communities Agency will see them working with local councils to trailblaze development opportunities across England’s railway stations for housing and businesses.
The ambitious initiative could deliver up to 10,000 new properties on sites around stations in the coming years.
Communities Secretary Greg Clark said: “We’re determined to fire up communities and back local business so they build much needed housing and create thousands of jobs. Rail stations are a hub of communities, connectivity and commerce and should be making the most of their unique potential to attract investment and opportunities.
“With record numbers of people travelling by train, it makes sense to bring people closer to stations and develop sites that have space for thousands of new homes and offices. This new initiative will bring about a step change in development and ensure we go further and faster in putting these rail sites to good use.”
Government wants to hear from at least 20 local authorities to take the scheme forward.
York, Taunton and Swindon councils have come forward with proposals and have identified railway sites that could be pooled to deliver housing and other locally-led regeneration.