The Brick Development Association (BDA) has launched a new website providing a wealth of technical publications.
The new site www.brick.org.uk provides access to the Association’s portfolio of technical publications, design details and guides to structural brickwork, all in one place and free at the point of download. As well as a catalogue of technical advice, visitors are able to read industry news, glean inspiration from case studies and subscribe to the ‘Brick Bulletin’ publication.
The Association will also use the site as a channel through which to communicate the sector’s position on economic matters, current affairs and on important issues such as sustainability and standards. The 15 members ofthe BDA collectively account for almost 100% of the UK’s clay brick manufacturing output.
Tom Farmer, Marketing & Communications Manager of the Association commented: “We have for nearly 50 years provided technical expertise of an exceptional standard, supporting the work of developers, engineers, architects and planners as well as those in education. The launch of our new website is the first milestone in a programme of change that will modernize the presentation of our work, making it easier for professionals and the public to access the information they need to make informed decisions, whether planning, procuring, or simply pursuing an interest in the nation’s favourite building material, the humble brick.”
The launch preceeds the Association’s 41st Brick Awards, a national awards program that celebrates exemplary clay brick architecture, the shortlist and winners of which will be showcased on the new website.