Redrow has pledged to build at least 350 new homes in Sittingbourne to help meet housing targets in the Swale district and revive a redundant brownfield site.
The housebuilder is already well-known in Sittingbourne where its Archers Park development on Staplehurst Road is well-advanced. More than 100 properties there have already been sold and demand is reported as ‘strong’.
With appetite for more new homes high among buyers and the local authority – Swale Council has pinpointed increased housing provision in its draft Local Plan – Redrow has acquired 27 acres of land at the former Sittingbourne Industrial Park.
Earmarked as the potential site for a new superstore back in 2011, the site had been cleared of the industrial buildings but was left vacant after plans for the store stalled.
Redrow has announced plans to redevelop the land to provide new homes – and a shot in the arm for the local economy.
Glen Wells, land director for Redrow Homes (South East), said: “House building targets in the draft Local Plan for the Swale district have been increased and include provision at Sittingbourne Industrial Park. We know from the success of Archers Park that there’s a high demand for new homes in Sittingbourne and with this latest acquisition we’ll be helping address the housing shortage while regenerating a prominent brownfield town centre site that has lain vacant for a number of years. Our proposals will bring the land back into good use and boost the local economy by providing jobs and investment for the area, along with new homes.
“But we’re about more than just building new homes, we aim to create new communities with improved facilities, green spaces and features such as play areas, that bring benefits for not only new residents but the wider area too. We are specialists in many types of residential development and have the expertise to deliver well-planned new neighbourhoods on former brownfield sites such as this.”
Details of the community contributions linked to the proposed redevelopment of land at Sittingbourne Industrial Park will be agreed in consultation with Swale Council and Kent County Council during the planning process.