A new report from the NHBC Foundation has indicated that traditionally built homes are embracing innovation.
Image: Ceebeestock/Adobestock
Three in four new homes currently being built are using ‘traditional’ construction, but contain a wealth of innovation, according to a new report from NHBC Foundation.
Although the techniques used in construction may appear to have remained essentially unchanged for centuries, many new homes incorporate forms of construction that were once seen as ‘modern methods of construction’ (MMC), the report indicates.
House building: a century of innovation looks at the technology and materials used in the construction of the modern home, charting the progress made over the last century.
Components such as timber trussed rafters and engineered floor joists are listed as examples of innovations that set today’s new build homes apart from previous generations of housing.
Neil Smith, Head of Standards, Research & Innovation at NHBC, said: “People living in newly built homes are able to reap the many benefits of improved building standards, ranging from better energy efficiency levels, which not only help look after the environment but also leads to greatly-reduced fuel bills.
“This report is a useful reminder of the technology and materials incorporated in the construction of a modern home whilst comparing the performance achieved in relatively recent times with the advancements of the last two decades. What’s more, this report makes clear that what lies beneath the skin of new homes is quite different from what has gone before.”