Making houses safe from ground gas

Making houses safe from ground gas

Hazardous ground gas – an essential guide for housebuilders is a new report from the NHBC foundation which aims to assist housebuilders in recognizing high-risk sites, regardless of project size and type, and taking appropriate action, while also providing guidance on avoiding unnecessary gas protection measures for low or minimal risk sites.

The report emphasizes the importance of appointing competent professionals at the right stage of the development process and highlights the significance of a thorough assessment, design, implementation, and verification process. It outlines suitable monitoring strategies tailored to the size, complexity, and gas risk of each site.

The report also addresses the gap between the conclusions and recommendations found in ground investigation reports and the absence of gas protection measures in the structural design of buildings. This gap poses a potential risk to the safety and well-being of occupants, so it is crucial that housebuilders incorporate comprehensive gas protection measures into their designs.

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