Re:allies, a strategic collaboration of housing consortia, is calling for contractors to deliver its new build social housing framework in the North of England.
The New Build framework comprises four lots of projects in the North West and Yorkshire and Humber, with works totalling more than £836 million.
Organisations which make it onto the New Build Framework in the North West will be supported by Re:allies member, Procure Plus, while firms in Yorkshire and Humber will be assisted by Sheffield-based, Efficiency North.
Re:allies is seeking 30 contractors to complete the first £50 million lot, which consists of multiple schemes solely in the North West, up to the value of £2 million each. For the second, valued at £62 million, firms are needed to work in Yorkshire and Humber. The consortium is also searching for 30 partners for a third £394 million lot of larger developments and 10 for a £330 million lot, both for projects across the two regions.
Clare Tetlow, senior procurement manager on behalf of Re:allies, commented: “The New Build framework offers an incredible opportunity for contractors to play their part in alleviating the housing crisis and help regenerate local communities across the North of England.”
A single-stage procurement process is being used by Re:allies, with just one questionnaire for contractors to complete, instead of a traditional Pre-Qualification Questionnaire. This method streamlines the tender stage and ensures the most appropriate contractors are chosen for the work in question.
Clare concluded: “By opening up the bidding to as many firms as possible, we can ensure we find the best partners for the needs of each project, which will not only deliver value for money, but will also make sure we provide the highest quality homes for local communities in the North West and Yorkshire and Humber.”
A Bidders’ Day, which provides a chance to meet the Re:allies team, will be hosted on the 14th September 2015 in central Manchester to give prospective contractors an opportunity to learn more about the framework and how they can best meet the tender criteria.
To register to bid, follow this link.