Sajid Javid announces £7 billion boost for the government’s affordable housing programme.
Communities Secretary Sajid Javid has unlocked £7 billion in an expansion of the government’s affordable housing programme. Housing providers can now apply for a share of the fund, which was allocated an additional £1.4 billion at the Autumn Statement to deliver 40,000 new affordable housing starts across the country.
Communities Secretary Sajid Javid said: “This government is committed to increasing housing supply and halting the decline in affordability. Our newly expanded affordable housing programme, turbo-charged by a multi-billion pound investment, will allow housing associations to build more homes in places where they are most needed, particularly for families who are just about managing.”
Housing Minister Gavin Barwell said: “Up and down the country we are investing more in affordable housing to help make the dream of home ownership a reality for thousands more tenants. This includes opening up the housing market to younger people and providing decent, affordable homes for rent for those who cannot afford to buy.”
Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Chairman Sir Ed Lister said: “The HCA is leading the government’s drive to increase the scale and pace of delivery of housebuilding. The expanded affordable housing programme will help us continue to work with both housing associations and developers new to this area of the housing market to increase the availability of affordable homes.”