A project to place more than 110 lifesaving defibrillators at Redrow’s housing developments across the UK has been recognised at a regional awards ceremony.
The national housebuilder was presented with the Outstanding Organisation Award at the North West Construction Safety Group (NWCSG) Health and Safety Awards 2016 in Manchester.
The developer was singled out for recognition its scheme, which gives staff, contractors and the local community access to automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in the event of a medical emergency.
Claire Oakes, of Create Construction Ltd and chair of the NWCSG, said: “Our judges were very impressed with the entries in this category. With the knowledge that in the UK alone there are approximately 60,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests per year, and that as every minute without CPR and defibrillation passes a casualty’s chances of survival are reduced by between by 7-10%, our winners Redrow Homes have put significant effort and resource into sourcing more than 110 defibrillators across its regional offices and all live sites.
“Not only do these defibrillators provide potential life-saving equipment to construction workers, they are also available for use in the wider community in which they are located and are registered on the searchable AED national database.”
Redrow also received credit during the awards ceremony for the creation of an eLearning module about the use of the AEDs, which is available to all staff.
Dave Ford, health and safety director for Redrow Homes, said: “We’re delighted to receive recognition once again for our efforts to lead the way in the homebuilding sector by providing potential lifesaving equipment at our developments and divisional offices.
“Having access to such lifesaving equipment in the workplace and within local communities is very important. The AEDs are fitted at the vast majority of our new developments and offices and can be accessed not only by our workforce, but also by people living in the new communities we are building.”
Image: Dave Ford, health and safety director for Redrow Homes, collects the Outstanding Organisation Award at the North West Construction Safety Group (NWCSG) Health and Safety Awards 2016 in Manchester. Photo credit: Hi-impactmedia