Leeds Federated Housing Association has appointed partnership housing developer Lovell to build 33 new affordable homes in Belle Isle, south Leeds.
Construction is due to start in September on the new houses which will all be for affordable rent through the housing association. The £3.6 million scheme will create 20 two-bedroom and 13 three-bedroom houses.
The new housing will take shape on two Leeds City Council-owned brownfield sites in Newhall Gate and Newhall Walk. Designed to complement and fit in with existing homes in the area, the development is expected to be complete at the end of 2017. The scheme forms part of Leeds Federated’s Affordable Homes Programme and is supported by Leeds City Council and the Homes and Communities Agency.
Steve Ellis, head of Assets and Development for Leeds Federated, says: “We are delighted to be partnering with Lovell to build 33 much-needed affordable homes for rent in Belle Isle.
“There is currently a national shortage of affordable housing. Leeds Federated plans to more than double the amount of homes it develops each year to help address the need for high quality affordable homes in the Leeds City region.”
Robert Adams, regional director for Lovell – which is based locally in Gildersome, Leeds – comments: “These much-needed properties will help address the serious shortage of affordable housing locally by creating high-quality modern homes for local people.
“As a Leeds-based company, we’re absolutely delighted to be bringing our expertise in delivering well-designed homes which achieve the highest build and quality standards to this important scheme.”
In line with Lovell’s commitment to benefitting local communities, the company will also provide local job and training opportunities through the development.