The Home Builders Federation (HBF) has released a 10-point plan of “practical” solutions for government to remove barriers to building and kick start development.
Following its audit report, Housing Horizons, showing that England is the hardest place in the developed world to find a home, the industry body has produced a charter which sets out how to radically improve the supply of high-quality new homes.
The charter provides a blueprint to radically improve the supply of high-quality new homes, while also supporting SME home builders and securing the industry’s future workforce and its path to Net Zero.
The plan shows how properly resourcing local authority planning departments, revising the rules around nutrient neutrality, and abolishing stamp duty on more energy-efficient homes could unlock development.
It is also calling for measures which would tackle some of the long-term challenges facing the sector, including reforming post-16 skills education to better meet the needs of business, and making planning policy more favourable to small and medium size developers.
If implemented, the plan is claimed to make a decisive contribution to overcoming systemic issues facing the housing sector and give people all over the country a chance of finding quality and affordable homes.