Anwyl has submitted detailed plans for 119 new houses in Congleton, Cheshire. The proposed development site is located off the Congleton Link Road.
Subject to reserved matters planning consent, Anwyl will acquire the 13-acre parcel of land, which is already allocated for housing in the Cheshire East Local Plan.
The wider site, the first phase of which is being built by Stewart Milne, benefits from outline planning permission. Anwyl is proposing to build a total of 98 houses for private sale, in a mix of two, three and four-bedroom designs, alongside 21 affordable houses.
As part of the section 106 agreement linked to the application, the developer will contribute around £1.9 million towards the £90million Congleton Road Link Road, which opened in 2021. The road has been funded in part by developer contributions linked to new homes in the town. Anwyl’s proposed payment towards the link road would be in addition to an anticipated education contribution of around £800,000.
Subject to planning, Anwyl hopes to begin construction work in mid-2024, with an ambition to bring the first houses to market later that year. The development is expected to take around three and a half years to complete.