Wienerberger, a leading provider of wall, roof and landscaping solutions has announced the launch of a new solar offering.
The soultion is to be a fully designed, supplied, installed and remotely monitored PV system. It is set to come with a five-year kWh performance cash back guarantee – which th e company describes as, “a unique element to the market.”
The new solar system will be available as Deluxe, Performance and Basic, offering different price points, suitable for a variety of different development types – from national and regional housebuilders to Housing Associations and self-builders.
All versions of the system will offer a full system 10-year warranty, full system design and advice, remote monitoring using web technology and five-year output cashback guarantee, which will be extendable to 10 years.
Working in partnership with Autarco, a renowned supplier of solar power systems, and Ecocommercial, an expert solar PV system installer, Wienerberger will be the one point of contact for the design, installation and monitoring of every system sold.