NBS Research has launched a new survey on behalf of the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) with a view to making the use of Approved Documents a more user-friendly experience.
For this survey, DCLG has asked NBS Research to explore how two Approved Documents in particular are being used, namely Part B, which covers Fire Safety and Part M which concerns Access to and Use of Buildings.
The survey, which should be completed by anyone who uses approved documents either regularly or occasionally, is focussed not on the content of the Approved Documents and the technical guidance they provide on achieving compliance but instead on the current style and format of the documents, and how easy they are to use.
There are more than 2 million free downloads of the Building Regulations Approved Documents each year so clearly they provide a valued service.
With this in mind, and given the results of the research will be used to inform future improvements and updates to the Approved Documents, DCLG is seeking feedback from as many architects, engineers, contractors, designers, manufacturers, consultants, self-builders, building control officers and approved inspectors as possible.
The short survey, to be completed by Monday 15th February, can be completed using the following link: The Usability of Approved Documents