Healthy homes of the future

Healthy homes of the future

Mark Booth, Managing Director at Gira UK, a specialist in intelligent building systems, shares his thoughts on the types of technology that could be present in the homes of the future – which include systems that monitor health.

First and foremost, ‘smart home trends’ focus on utility, offering homeowners self-serving technology like personal communication systems, lighting, heating, security and blind control schemes, or simple functions like turning on the oven remotely, checking the temperature of a refrigerator or starting the laundry before occupants get home.

Pre-programmed devices are already gaining momentum, but if we consider future home entertainment then we predict a combination of augmented reality, virtual reality and mediated reality will infiltrate the home. Making home entertainment more interactive than ever, this type of technology will continue to span throughout the home and enhance future intelligent build technologies and solutions.

The 2058 home
If we consider the market 40 years from now, I can imagine the remote control smart home will become commonplace. Modern buildings are already being designed with highly intuitive and intelligent systems that are creating a working brain within the home that convenes to lifestyle, personal preferences and daily routine.

With that, premium tech manufacturers are now expanding their horizons further and are exploring health and wellbeing alongside home convenience and security. For instance, can you imagine a world where your home monitors your health and alerts you when something is wrong? This technology is already here, it is just a question of creating awareness so we can generate both a need and demand.

Sleep disorders are also going to be catered for, with special rooms being designed in the home which combine sensory deprivation with future medical technology. This type of smart home solution is revolutionary, using personalised medication that targets the body to ensure sound sleep every night.

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